
Carolyn Welch
Apr 30, 2020
What's Up, Doc? ~
You may wonder what the D.D. Collins House has in common with that wascally wabbit, Bugs Bunny. Click image to visit our carrot patch....

Carolyn Welch
Apr 12, 2020
Old-time Cures for Cabin Fever: Part 2 ~
To continue with a bit of old-time entertainment, accented with a dash of education, we present an excerpt from a book published in 1856,...

Carolyn Welch
Mar 22, 2020
Old-time Cures for Cabin Fever: Part 1 ~
We'll not call it a medicinal cure per se, but a contribution to add to a growing list of ways to while away the hours when "stuck" at...

Carolyn Welch
Nov 25, 2016
A visit from world-renowned artist ~
The Friends of the D.D. Collins House was excited to have world renowned artist, Patricia Buckley Moss, visit the historic D.D. Collins...

Carolyn Welch
Nov 15, 2016
The D.D. Collins House featured in P Buckley Moss print ~
The Art Loft Gallery, Ltd. introduced a new giclee, "Echoes of the Past", by world renowned artist, Patricia Buckley Moss. "Echoes of the...