Special Display on Saturday . . .
This is a photo of the doll that belonged to Lavadna's mother. We first thought this belonged to her when she was a child; but have since have learned just how precious it really is. This baby doll was actually her momma's comfort doll when she had Alzheimer's disease. This doll represents much love and has very dear and precious memories.
This baby doll, which has been loaned by Lavadna to the Friends of the D.D. Collins House for the 2019 holiday event, has been dressed in clothing from the mid-1800s, and an antique blanket to cover her on a cold winter's day. She rests in the beautiful foot rocker cradle.
Lavadna's momma's doll.
These twin dolls are happy spending time in this antique doll swing.
Antique doll swing.
What a delightful piece this is - an antique display cupboard that would have been used for displaying a child's tea set. On loan from Lavadna.
Antique display cupboard for child's tea party set.
Photos courtesy of Lavadna Hines.