An Autumn Stroll ~ Part 1
As we say farewell to Summer 2020, here are some recent photos of the garden as we look forward to the turning colors of autumn . . .
The picket fence and shade of the tree make
the D.D. Collins House feel like home.
A special thanks to Claudia, Sarah, Sheila, and Liz, members of the Collinsville Garden Club for their hard work in harvesting the corn stalks and cleaning up the gardens after the harvest.
Enjoy the tour . . .
Front door decoration.
The front door is decorated with broom corn, deep purple Indian or flint corn, and is topped with an orange bow to make this piece simple and understated.
Service Berry Shrub
The service berry shrub is filled with deep maroon berries. Do you remember the story of the service berry? Click the berry button below and scroll down to Service Berry to read more . . .
Next notice our American Beautyberry shrub and the clusters of deep purple berries.
American Beautyberry Shrub
These berries are also known as mulberries and are a favorite of wildlife and birds.
Close-up of our American Beautyberry Shrub
To read more, click the button below and the American Beautyberry label . . .
We'll continue our stroll soon to explore more of the sights around the garden.
Photographs taken by Paul Welch on September 24, 2020.